Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Now for the first contribution from another author…  This entry was written by Julia Peters.  She currently works in IT/Healthcare integration and has 2 beautiful children, a 3-year old girl and a 1-year old boy.  Not only is Julia familiar with technology, but she also has graduate training in developmental psychology and stays up-to-date with current research. So, who better to talk about technology and child development than Julia?! I hope you enjoy her entry.    
I use to have an iPad. Now my toddler has one! But personally, I don’t mind the change of ownership, especially now that I have invested in a protective cover to ensure extra durability of my beloved device.  Generally, I don’t really consider myself a techy, despite working in IT, but I do love myself a gadget and so far, I am still 'out-teching' my toddler (not sure how long that will last though). 
Understandably, a debate rages around technology and toddlers; how much is too much, and how young is too young?  The American Pediatric Society suggests limiting screen time for kids under 2 years and suggests no more than 30 minutes for children 3-5 years.  As you can imagine, there has been an abundance of backlash from parents suggesting that reality dictates that with technology everywhere, limiting technology to zero in this busy world may not be realistic. To date, there is no evidence of long-term developmental problems; though experts agree that children learn more efficiently through real-life interactions as compared with interactions with technology gadgets.  There are valid points to be made on both sides of the discussion (which is worthy of a blog devoted entirely to it), but as with most things, I personally believe the key to success lies in the quality and quantity of consumption.  Bottom line:  All families are different, and what is right for one child may not be right for another, and parents need to make a judgment call on what is best for them.

With that in mind, I have fully embraced technology with my children, though I work to ensure that screen time (whether it be television, computer, smartphone, or leapfrog) does not replace free play and often, my favourite part of the day is curled up with my 3-year old using the iPad together.

What I love the most about apps for kids is that there are so many options, you surely can find something that is geared directly at what interests your toddler most and with an inexpensive price tag, it’s easier to keep up with their constantly evolving abilities and interests.  For any other parents that have had their iPad pilfered by their toddler, or for those who are considering introducing the technology, here is a glimpse at some of my current favourite apps (specifically for 3 years and under).  If you have some other suggestions, I would love to hear them, so I can start my Christmas shopping.

Make Me Smile. I love this app because it teaches children to recognize different emotions (in adorable monster form) which is necessary for emotion regulation and provides the perfect opportunity for parents to discuss how to deal with influx of emotions that their toddlers are experiencing. A neat extra is that parents have the option of setting up the app to take photos of your child empathizing with the cute monsters. Price tag: $1.99
There’s a Monster at the End of this Book.  My kids already have a library of picture e-books, but this is one of the most popular from our collection.  The hard copy version of this story is a classic, and the app version only makes endearing Grover more lovable.  It’s fun, interactive and super cute.  And with the opportunity to either read or be read to, this app grows with its audience.  Price tag: $3.99
Juno’s Piano.  Kids love to make noise, so this app is a sure winner.  Although there are many fun piano apps that are readly available for free, I enjoy that this one has the ‘learn a song’ feature that begin to teach your blossoming Beethoven to play a few purposeful notes.  Price tag: $0.99
Talking Rex the Dinosaur.  This is my kids’ all-time favourite app (all-time = she's 3 years old). Though it doesn’t provide much in terms of educational value, if you are looking for a way to provide much needed entertainment (perhaps on a long car ride), this app is for you.  The kids will get an enormous kick out of hearing their words get repeated back in a scary dinosaur voice.  A bonus, my son has been a fan of it since he was 8 months, and my 3 year old still loves it.  Price tag:  Free
Sound Touch.  This app is a modern take on the flashcard.  There are literally hundreds of variations of toddler flashcards available on the market, but I particularly like this one because the focus is on pictures with sounds rather than the usual naming convention.  You can download the free version, which is good enough, or spend $ to get all of the compelte themes.  Price Tag: Free (Lite version) or $4.99 (full version)


For those of you have been reading my blog entries so far, thank you!  I hope you find the information useful.  In order to keep you interested, I have decided to spice it up a bit and I have asked some very good friends and fellow mental health professionals to contribute to the blog.  So, from now on, all of my blog entries will be written in black.  When someone else contributes, their entries will be in blue.  Hope you find their information useful as well :)

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Nightmares and Night Terrors

As every parent knows, sleep is so important.  Sleep allows children to develop and consolidate memories.  It also helps prevent negative things from occurring such as becoming grumpy, fussy or clumsy.  Although kids usually have uneventful periods of sleep once they fall asleep, it is also common for children to have occasional nightmares.  Nightmares occur when a child is in REM sleep. When a child has a nightmare, it is important to comfort and reassure them so they feel safe.  The best way to prevent nightmares is by practicing good sleep hygiene.  This includes having a consistent and predictable bedtime routine (bath, brush teeth, books and bed) and having a safe and comfortable place for your child to sleep. Children who are fearful before bed because of previous nightmares may benefit from having a nightlight. If your child experiences a number of nightmares, you may need to consider their daily activities.  Perhaps they are watching a television show that is too scary for them. Maybe they are feeling stressed about something at school. Limiting potential stressors and discussing things that scare them may help reduce the number of nightmares.  Also, having children think about positive things before bed may also help reduce nightmares.
Night terrors are different from nightmares.  Unlike nightmares, night terrors occur during non-REM sleep.  When a child has a night terror, he may sit upright in bed and appear scared and panicky.  His breathing and heart rate may increase and the child may scream.  This usually lasts for a couple of minutes, but it feels like hours! Although you may try comforting your child, he probably won’t realize that you’re even there.  However, it is important to keep him safe.  If your child experiences many night terrors, you make want to examine your child’s routine.  Is he getting enough sleep during the day? Is he getting enough fresh air? Does he have a consistent bedtime routine? In addition to examining his routine, you may also try prompted awakenings if night terrors become very frequent.  Prompted awakenings involve monitoring when your child is likely to have a night terror and waking them up before they are most likely to have one.  If your child continues to have frequent night terrors, you may need to consult with your family doctor.
Since I should practice what I preach, I am going to end off with a positive thought.  Although nightmares and night terrors can make bedtime very scary for children, nighttime can also be very peaceful.  I love peaking in and seeing my boys when they are fast asleep.  They look so peaceful and so angelic.  On that note, I am off to bed.  Sweet dreams to you and your babies J